ultraReuse™. Advanced wastewater recycling systems to achieve Class C to Class A+, IPR and DPR.
Solving Water Scarcity Together.
Globally recognised performance for water reuse schemes serving industry.
Direct & Indirect Potable Reuse of Abattoir / Slaughterhouse wastewater
Potable water supplementation with food processing wastewater
EPA Compliant discharge to environment
Process water recycling
Waterform has years of practical experience in designing compliant, functional and operational advanced ultraReuse™ water treatment plants. From concept to 3D modelling, HAZOP and SiD, our process, mechanical and functional designs are proven.
Underpinning ultraReuse™ treatment plants are innovative, quality technologies including absolute rated MBR modules, multibore Ultrafiltration, high recovery RO, disinfection systems and digital monitoring and control.
All components used as part of a Multi-Barrier approach for pathogen control are pre-validated according to accepted guidelines, such as USEPA MFGM / UVDGM, Title 22, IWW, with local regulatory & health department scheme approvals, such as AGWR1 and AGWR2. Onsite validation may be undertaken if required, with support from the AWQC for surrogate dosing and QC.
ultraReuse™ plants are backed by a rigorous and comprehensive performance risk management approach to ensure each step from design to performance verification is controlled and outcomes are benchmarked at every stage. Risk-mitigation is a key element of the ultraReuse™ experience.
A typical ultraReuse™ project is undertaken with a civil works delivery partner and scope can include skid based or container based equipment, electrical and mechanical installation, commissioning and verification, training and operation.
FlowCare flowcare.net.au is a division of Waterform dedicated to skilled operational support and maintenance of ultraReuse™ treatment plants to ensure the asset is maintained in complete integrity for its lifetime.
ultraReuse treatment plant - safely treating wastewater for potable water supplementation